Creating a Calm Down Corner For Your Kids

Creating a calm-down corner, sometimes called a "peaceful place" or "quiet zone," is a great way to support your child’s emotional well-being. Sometimes my kids find themselves in a funk or a rut and just cannot get out of it! The calm-down corner always seems to help them reset. Think of it as a cozy retreat where they can manage their feelings, take a breather, and find some downtime amid the chaos of daily life.  


Why Create a Calming Corner? 

There are so many benefits to designating this space in your home. As adults, we have all found ways to help manage overwhelming moments in life—I find relief in a quick 20-minute run, while my husband practices 'grounding' or 'earthing' by walking barefoot in the backyard. Hopefully, somewhere along the way, most of you have found your own coping strategies. For me, it took a while to not only recognize my emotions but also learn how to manage them, rather than suppress them, a method we all know doesn't end well. Emphasizing coping mechanisms to children can help them discover what works for them early on. Here are a few reasons why setting up such a space can be so valuable:

  • Stress Relief: Kids, just like adults, need ways to manage stress! A calm-down corner offers a designated, safe space to step away from sensory overload and help them learn how to process their feelings.
  • Emotional Regulation: By removing all distractions and triggers, a calm-down corner helps kids break down their thoughts and recognize their feelings more clearly.
  • Encourages Independence: By providing them with tools to manage their emotions, a calm-down corner helps kids build confidence and a sense of independence, empowering them to navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively.
  • Improves Focus: I find that by completely changing their setting, my kids focus better and can, in turn, learn effective ways to handle their emotions. Using the calm down corner to manage emotions can lead to better concentration and more positive interactions with others.
  • Promotes Mindfulness: Spending time in a calming space encourages children to practice mindfulness, helping them stay present and grounded. It also teaches them that such a space can be positive and productive, not just a place to go when they’re in a rut.


Choosing the Right Spot

Finding the perfect location for your calming corner is key. Look for a quiet, somewhat secluded spot in your home where your child can feel secure and undisturbed. This could be a corner of their bedroom, a cozy nook under the stairs, or even a quiet area in the living room, backyard, or patio. Make sure it's a safe place your kids can go to alone, and it's also a place your kids like to go. Don't put it in the darkest, 'scariest' corner of the basement just because it's quiet. Your kids will never use it if they're scared of that corner of the basement! The idea is to create a space they love, one that feels like their own personal retreat from the hustle and bustle. 

1. In a corner with lots of natural light

2. A quiet spot outside 


3. A cozy nook under the stairs

What to Include in the Calming Corner

Setting up a calm-down corner can be a fun and creative project! Make sure you involve your kids in curating the space—they’ll enjoy the activity and are more likely to use the space regularly if they helped design it! Here are some ideas to help you get started. The links will generally go to my favorite item, however, I have many options in my Amazon Calming Corner List, so feel free to check that out too. 

  • Fort or Teepee:  Start by finding something that helps define the space, whether it's a soft rug, a swing or a pre-existing nook in your home. If you have the space, consider adding a small tent or canopy to make it feel extra special and private. 
  • Soft Textures: Add something soft and cozy to sit or lay on, like a beanbag chair or floor pillow. Incorporate textures that feel comforting, like pillows, large stuffed animals, or a weighted blanket. These elements can make the space feel more secure and inviting. 
  • Soft Lighting: Choose softer lighting options, like fairy lights or a gentle lamp, to create a warm, calming atmosphere. Avoid harsh, bright, or colorful lights that tend to be overstimulating.
  • Calming Visuals: I like to keep the space minimalist and clutter-free. However, visuals that promote serenity, such as nature scenes, soft colors, or a canvas or board with positive, encouraging messages can help elevate the space and set a soothing and happy mood.
  • Water Fountain: Speaking of creating a soothing mood, a small tabletop water fountain can be SO relaxing. Its gentle, trickling sound provides a calming backdrop that enhances the tranquility of the space. Alternatively, a sound machine can offer a similar effect with its range of soothing sounds.
  • Sand Tray: For older kids, a desk zen garden can be a great addition. Running a rake through sand can be incredibly soothing and offers a creative outlet for stress relief.
  • Rain Maker: A rainmaker is a captivating instrument that mimics the soothing sound of falling rain. Not only is it enjoyable to play with, but it also adds a peaceful ambiance to the calming corner. Encourage your child to close their eyes and listen to the soothing, rhythmic sound to help them feel more relaxed and tranquil.
  • Tools and Cards: Include items like a feelings chart or cards with simple yoga poses or breathing exercises. These can help your child use their time in the corner effectively.
  • Reading Material: Add a photo album with family pictures, or select a few favorite books with calming themes or stories about mindfulness and kindness. A method that has worked remarkably well for my kids is recording these books in advance, allowing them to listen to the soothing voice of a loved one. Reading can be a comforting way for kids to unwind and find solace.
  • Favorite Toys: Select a few quiet toys that your child loves, and that fit the peaceful vibe of the corner. Try to avoid anything too loud or stimulating.


How to Use the Calm Down Corner

Once your calm-down corner is ready, turn on the lights and ensure it is inviting and clutter-free. Show your child their new space and explain its purpose. Role-playing can be fun and helpful here—demonstrate how it’s a special place they can visit whenever they need a break or feel overwhelmed.

Encourage your child to use the calm-down corner to manage their emotions, take a breather, or simply enjoy some quiet time. At first, they might need a little reminder to use it, but with time, they’ll likely start to recognize when they need a reset. Remember, the calm-down corner should be a positive, comforting place—not a spot for punishment.


Research has shown that having a designated calm-down space can help children develop emotional regulation skills, improve concentration, and reduce anxiety. By creating a calm-down corner, you’re equipping your child with lifelong tools to manage their emotions and cope with stress in a healthy way.

Create a serene and nurturing environment for your child (and maybe even yourself) that promotes emotional well-being and overall mental health! 


Until next time,

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